This week brings the end of the school year and I have one happy daughter! I am so praising the Lord for this past school year. Cecily had such a difficult sixth grade year and I prayed hard over last Summer that her seventh grade year would be better...and it has been so much better. She has enjoyed her classes and teachers and has been able to make friends. Mike and I have watched her grow so much this past school year. We are truly blessed. When I can get my tech savvy hubby to help me understand some things about our newly refurbished computer, I hope to share some of Cecily's end of the year accomplishments for which she was recognized through video and pictures.
The middle school years are difficult. I don't know if I can pinpoint one particular thing that makes them so, but they just seem to be particularly challenging. I remember the middle school years being the worst I can remember from my own school experience. Unfortunately, bad experiences don't wait until middle school to surface. They can happen much earlier.
Such was the case for Cecily. We were living in the MS Delta during her early elementary years and she had a challenging third grade year. Not only did we have difficulties with a teacher, but she was bullied by another little girl in her class. I was a little shocked to see how ugly and hurtful girls can be to one another at such a young age. I'm not sure what the source of the problem is outside of the sinful heart that we are all born with, but it seems that kids can just be so cruel to their peers.
It was this personal experience with bullying in a school setting involving my own daughter that made me jump at the opportunity to read Jodee Blanco's Please Stop Laughing at Me...One Woman's Inspirational Story. I was sent a review copy by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of review.
Ms. Blanco's story is heartbreaking to read. Please Stop Laughing at Me is her memoir and tells of how she was bullied from elementary through high school. She writes with such raw honesty that there were times I just had to put the book down and walk away from it for a day or two before picking it back up again. You can visit HERE to read an excerpt from the book and download chapter eight.
It is encouraging to know that Jodee was able to overcome her extreme experiences with being bullied and is now involved on many levels with helping other kids overcome as well. If you have children in school, it would be well worth your time to visit Ms Blanco's website which can be found at At her site you can get more information on her speaking schedule as well as her books including the sequel to Please Stop Laughing at Me, Please Stop Laughing at Us: One Survivor's Extraordinary Quest to Prevent School Bullying.
Please Stop Laughing at Me includes a reader's guide and an all new section with information on cyberbullying. You can order the book by following the link provided below:
Blessings on you and your children,
Boxing on Sundays
7 years ago
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