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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Delighting in God

A.W. Tozer  (1897-1963) began his lifelong pursuit of God at the age of seventeen, after hearing a street preacher in Akron, Ohio.  Tozer was a self-taught theologian, pastor, and writer whose powerful words continue to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's believer.  He authored more than 40 books.  The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy are considered modern devotional classics.

Get more Tozer information and quotes at

Understand your life's purpose by better understanding God.

"My worship grows and grows as my perception of God grows.  God cannot grow.  My perception of God grows as I experience Him day after day.  I should be more capable of worshiping God today than I was ten or twenty years ago."

Delighting in God is the message A.W. Tozer intended to be the follow-up to The Knowledge of the Holy.  He demonstrates how the attributes of God -  those things God has revealed about himself - are a way to understand the Christian life of worship and service.  Because we were created in the image of God, to understand who we are, we need to understand who God is and allow His character and nature to be reflected through us.  

We are here to serve and adore Him, and we can only fulfill that role by acknowledging who He is. This is the essence of the Christian life and the source of all our fulfillment, joy, and comfort.

My Thoughts:
Compiled and edited by James L. Snyder (a recognized authority on the life and ministry of A.W. Tozer),  Snyder has been given the rights from the A.W. Tozer estate to produce new books derived from over four hundred never-before-published audiotapes.  Delighting in God is the compilation of sermons Tozer preached after the publication of The Knowledge of the Holy.  Snyder says this in his introduction:
"The purpose of this book is to stir up your heart with a passion for God that will lead you into following hard after God, even disrupt those who are content with their current passion for God.  If someone reads this book and is deeply disturbed, such that they seek God with a passion that cannot be satisfied apart from God, this book will have met its goal."
After reading the book devotionally over the past several weeks, I can say that the book does indeed meet the goal of stirring up the passions of the heart for God.  Snyder has adeptly taken the words and thoughts of Tozer and arranged them for the reader and expounded thoroughly on Tozer's thought that "what we think about God infiltrates every aspect of our lives".  Delighting in God offers a concise and deep look into one's perception of God by exploring our perception of God's perfection, grace, mercy and delves into how our perception of God affects our prayer life and relationship with God and with others.
The book is not lengthy so as to overwhelm, nor is it filled with lofty language that is hard to understand.  Tozer's passion was that others know God and his heart comes through in a more conversational style rather than a "preachy" treatise and through a book that is devotional in nature.

*I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
