Boxing on Sundays
8 years ago
"He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge." Proverbs 14:26
"She ached for something she could not define and missed something she could not see. Why was she not satisfied with her role as wife and mother? What more was a woman to do in Israel?Smith portrays Deborah as a woman like any other woman, who fears that on her best day, she may be missing the mark but moves forward in submission and faithful obedience to the One True God and His call on her life.
"War has come to all Israel, my son, because we fashioned the gods of Canaan to be true gods. Israel caused her own testing by putting the Lord our God to the test. Sisera is evil, but he would hold no power if we had fully trusted our God."Deborah's story reminded me of the powerful influence women have in our homes, our churches and our world. Smith highlights the importance of depending on God for our very next steps in all we do.
"I fear I do not always discern the voice of the Lord from my own thoughts."Perhaps my favorite aspect of Deborah's story was Smith's portrayal of her marriage relationship and her role as a mother. While Deborah's daughter Talya is a fictional write-in for the story, the struggle between she and Deborah as mother and daughter beautifully pictures a mother's heart. I also connected with Smith's portrayal of Deborah's relationship with her husband Lappidoth. Deborah's struggle to love him well is one I'm guessing most wives come across in their relationships at one time or another.
"He had walked me through many lesser trials before. This time He was going to have to carry me, and I trusted Him to do that."A Reader's Guide is included in the book. This guide helps this book to be a perfect resource for use in a Grief Counseling group or a small group Bible/Book study. Sherri shares the Scriptures throughout the book that were helpful to her during and after this tragedy. She does an amazing job of not only telling her story, but of pointing to God and His sustaining grace. And she longs for readers to know God in His fullness.
"Before that day, I only knew one side of God, the forgiving, kind, loving one. But on the day Bronner went to heaven, I began to see God in a different light...I saw Him as King above all things, beyond understanding, beyond my reach or grasp."Read Bronner: A Journey To Understand and be blessed.
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