Lauren Denton is the author of the USA TODAY bestselling novels The Hideaway and Hurricane Season. She was born and raised in Mobile, AL, and now lives with her husband and two daughters in Homewood, just outside Birmingham. Though her husband tries valiantly to turn her into a mountain girl, she'd still rather be at the beach.
Connect with Lauren at as well as on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
The only thing certain is change -
Even in a pace as steady as Perry, Alabama. On a street as old as Glory Road.
Nearly a decade after her husband's affair drove her back home to South Alabama, Jessie McBride has the stable life she wants - operating her garden shop, Twig, next door to her house on Glory Road, and keeping up with her teenage daughter and spunky mother. Bur the unexpected arrival of two men makes Jessie question whether she's really happy with the status quo.
When handsome, wealthy businessman Summer Tate asks her to arrange flowers for his daughter's lavish wedding, Jessie finds herself drawn to his continued attention. Then Ben Bradley, her lingering what-could-have-been from high school, moves back to the red dirt road, and she feels her heart pulled in directions she never expected.
Meanwhile, Jessie's fourteen-year-old daughter, Evan, is approaching the start of high school and navigating a new world of emotions - particularly as they relate to the cute new guy who's moved in just down the road. At the same time, Jessie's mother, Gus, is suffering increasingly frequent memory lapses and faces a frightening, uncertain future.
In one summer, everything will change. But for these three strong Southern women, the roots they've planted on Glory Road will give life to the adventures waiting just around the curve.
Glory Road tells the story of three generations of women navigating the uncertain pathways of their hearts during a summer that promises to bring change - whether they're ready for it or not.
My Thoughts:
Glory Road is the first book written by Denton that I have read. As an avid reader, one of my greatest joys is discovering new to me authors. In Glory Road, Denton captures small-town Southern life through the relationship of Gus, Jessie, and Evan...three generations of Southern women each at different stages of life. Denton seamlessly gives us the backstory of each of these women over the course of the story. I really appreciated getting the story through the eyes of all three women. Glory Road is a story of love, family, hope, and second chances. Denton is an author I will be following and catching up on all that she's written while waiting for her next book.
*I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher. All opinions stated here are my own.
Happy Reading Ya'll,
Boxing on Sundays
8 years ago
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