"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." Job 19:25
This week has been very interesting. On Sunday I sent my husband off to youth camp in North Carolina for a week and sent my best friend off in the other direction back to MS after a week spent with us here in Florida.
And then, adversity comes in a most hurtful kind of way. God has been teaching me great and wonderful things about His heart for me and His character. I'm learning to put into practice what I've been reading about in John Piper's "Desiring God".
As I began working on this post this morning and came across this picture...

I immediately thought of the phrase, My Redeemer lives. I mean is anything more beautiful than the sun setting over the water? My thoughts then turned to Job and what he experienced in his life and what he said in chapter 19 verse 25.
And then the words to Nicole C. Mullen's song "My Redeemer Lives" came flooding into my mind...
"Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning? Who told the ocean you can only come this far? Who showed the moon where to hide 'til the evening? Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
Well I know my Redeemer lives. I know my Redeemer lives. All of creation testify, this life within me cries, I know my Redeemer lives."
(Nicole C. Mullens)
While Amy, Alyvia, and Adam were here, we went to the beach, of course. We were all pretty tired the morning we had planned to go, so we decided we would eat lunch and leave for the beach about 3 and enjoy the late evening there. Boy am I glad we did. The late evening is now officially my FAVORITE time to go, because you get to see the sunset on the beach.
Here are Alyvia and Cecily...

All our kiddos together..... the boys are less than enthusiastic about all the pictures!

Our family and my wild hair!

Our sweet friends....

Adam and Alyvia.... We couldn't keep Adam out of the water! He loved it!

My three treasures.....

I thought I would have ONE child that looked like me....

Our two boys, Adam and Bentley... again being forced to pose for pictures.

Sweet friends.....

Official beach bum... but he's a cute one don't ya think?

Alyvia and Cecily loved the water as well....

Of course baby girl had to get in on the action.....

The girls made brownies for us and the boys had to help.

My sweet husband was brave and kept ALL FIVE KIDS BY HIMSELF one night while Amy and I spent an evening out together. We went to Bella Luna's in Punta Gorda to eat.
We so enjoyed our week together. And yes we miss our friends already. That's the hard thing among many others about being a family in full-time ministry. You never know where the Lord my have you serve. It's hard to make such special friends and then move far away from them. But our God is so good to us. He has blessed us with a sweet church family that just loves on us and takes such good care of us! Some of them have been super special this week to me as Mike has been out of state with the youth at camp.
I have no doubt whatsoever that MY REDEEMER LIVES!!!