Our baby girl turned one year old on Tuesday. I still can't believe this past year has passed by so very fast. She is growing up and while I praise the Lord for her health and development, it is still a little sad to see it all happen so fast!
She had her one year old check up with the pediatrician on Thursday. JennaBeth weighs 21 lbs. and 11 ounces. That puts her in the 53rd percentile for her weight. She is 31 inches long putting her in the 95th percentile for her height. We will be weening her off formula and onto whole milk over the next couple of weeks as well as getting rid of the bottle and paci. Oh, Lord help us!! She loves her paci and has to have it for naps and bedtime so we will see how all that goes.
Now for some "indulgence". We took a bazillion pictures and videos on Tuesday as we celebrated. My dad asked me on the phone last night how much was a "bazillion" and I just told him it was "a lot"!
JennaBeth woke up on Tuesday morning pointing and clapping, her two most favorite things to do!
Bentley was so sweet with her. He wanted to be the first person to tell her "happy birthday" and even sung to her:
JennaBeth then had her breakfast.
She is the only one of my three babies who holds her bottle. Cecily and Bentley never would hold theirs. She certainly is "Ms Independent".
I had to get a picture of these sweet feet! She sits with them crossed like this while she eats.
After breakfast was over, I started on her birthday cake.
Her cake was strawberry with cream cheese icing. I baked the cake and then Cecily came in after school and decorated her number "1" cake and the little mini bunt cakes. Someone thought she was going to help me bake her cakes:
Cecily decorated several of these mini bunt cakes for us to share with our neighbors in honor of JennaBeth's birthday. And of course Bentley wanted to help:
Once the decorating was done, we delivered the mini bunt cakes a.k.a. flowers, to our neighbors:
This lady lives next door to us with her son, who is a Fort Myers police officer. Cecily, Bentley and JennaBeth affectionately call her "Granny Greevy", Ms McGreevey. She is so sweet to come over and visit and check on the kids and us. Ms McGreevey has adopted them as her own so they have adopted her as a stand in granny, since both mine and Mike's parents live so far away.
Our next delivery was to the Chase home next door to Granny Greevey. Cecily and Macy have been friends since we moved to Florida about three years ago. Standing in the back are Macy's parents, Patrick and Michelle Chase. They were celebrating themselves on Tuesday. Patrick has brain cancer with one major tumor in the frontal lobe and a second tumor that appeared some months ago. They had just gotten back from having a brain scan to monitor the second tumor and determine whether the chemo was affecting it at all and it could barely be seen on this scan! We are praising the Lord with them at this great news.
After all the deliveries were made, we headed to McDonalds to have supper and get JennaBeth her first Happy Meal.
This girl knew exactly what to do with that cheeseburger!
We took a video while we were there, but I could not get it to upload to YouTube. She was so cute eating her burger and fries. She would growl between bites like it was the best thing she had ever put into her mouth. She also enjoyed her Happy Meal toys.
After McDonald's, we went home and had birthday cake!
No Ace of Cakes creations, but special because they were made by the Ace of Sisters!
Singing Happy Birthday:
And here JennaBeth is tearing into her little cake:
JennaBeth had a surprise visit from the Ralph family and Lena (the lady we rent from) that night as well. Lena brought her some cute dresses for church and the Ralph's gave her a little snail with a ladybug on its back that rolls and plays music.
JennaBeth is quite taken with Birchel. I think it is because he lets her hold his cell phone!
After everyone left, we gave JennaBeth her birthday present from us. She got Fisher Price's Shop and Learn Walker:
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