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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Maybelle In Stitches

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Maybelle In Stitches
Abingdon Press (March 18, 2014)
Joyce Magnin


A word from the Author:

I am the author of seven novels. Five adult novels and two middle grade readers. I never wanted to do anything else but write and every day I wake up astonished that I get to do what I always dreamed about. My days are filled with words and images along with the usual family stuff. I have three children, Rebekah who is married to Joshua. They have three of the most adorable boys on the planet, Lemuel, Cedar and Soren. My daughter Emily Kate is a lovely young woman anthropologist and my son Adam is fourteen and a student--he's a genius who loves frogs and lizards and fish and plants. He amazes me.

I have never eaten a scallop. I love cream soda. Drink way too much coffee. I do not like elevators but I do enjoy needle arts and of course books. I prefer jazz over country (no offense), milk chocolate over dark, but not roller coasters although my life has often resembled a roller coaster ride.

One of my life's desires is to meet Amy Grant so I can tell her she saved my life.


Maybelle can’t sew. But when she finds an unfinished quilt in the attic of her mother’s house, she gets the crazy idea to complete it. At first, it’s just a way to fill the lonely nights while her husband, staff sergeant Holden Kanzinzki, is away fighting in World War II.

Yet when Maybelle discovers that the quilt is made from scraps of material that can be traced back through her family heritage, the project is suddenly much more important. Then word comes that Holden is missing in action, and with little else to do, Maybelle clings to the quilt as much as to the hope that her husband is still alive. As neighborhood friends gather around Maybelle to help her through the unknown days and nights ahead, it is the quilt that becomes a symbol of her unflagging belief that Holden will return—to her, to their home, and to their quilt-covered bed.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Maybelle In Stitches, go HERE.

My Thoughts:
The Quilts of Love keeps getting better and better with each installment.  I've loved these stories that surround the quilts.  Maybelle's story did not disappoint!  Magnin has included a bit of everything in the book...a tender love story, a clear picture of the strength that if found in community and a bit of mystery/suspense.  If you've been keeping up with this series, don't miss this one!

Happy Reading,

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Road We Must Travel

"You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest."
Psalm 139:3  TLB

Navigating Uncharted Territory?

Do you ever wish your life had a map that included a highlighted route showing you the way to go?  Do you wish you could ask a mentor for advice about how to maneuver around roadblocks?

From the introduction:
"We can ask all the specifics we like, but it really won't help.  No one knows the precise route each of us will take to the other side.  There may be a clear destination - and thank God for that - but there is no blue highlight marking the course from here to there...We can, however, do this much:  We can make sure we are prepared for the journey, no matter what the route might be.  This book is all about that.  It's not a road atlas, it's more like a travelogue, with strong ideas and helps for navigating life."

The contributors in the book are:

  • Gordon MacDonald
  • Bill Hybels
  • Mark Buchanan
  • Nathan Conrad
  • Francis Chan
  • Eugene Peterson
  • Steve May
  • Tullian Tchividjian
  • Ruth Haley Barton
  • Skye Jehtani
  • Donald Sunukjian
  • Mark Labberton
Some of the topics covered:

  1. The Need for Honest Self-Assessment:  Each Week, Debrief With Yourself and God
  2. Avoiding Cultural Contamination:  The Necessity of Purity In A Contaminated World
  3. Reading the Bible Spiritually:  Ancient Practices Help Us Listen To The Bible, Not Just Study It
  4. Bad Situations Are Great Opportunities:  Your Worst Nightmare May Cause Someone Else's Sun To Rise
  5. The Crucial Need for Regular Rest:  One Of God's Underused Gifts Is Time To Be Sharpened
  6. Yield the Right-of-Way:  Seeing The World As Jesus Sees It
  7. See With The Eyes of a Doctor:  Why You Should Move Into Your Neighbor's World
The book is organized into five parts:

  • Roadworthy - thinking through core issues that will get you ready for the journey ahead
  • Necessary Repairs - pointing ourselves toward truth that will alert us to danger and equip us for the long haul
  • Washouts and Detours - dealing with unexpected troubles and unlooked-for hardships that delay our plans or send us off on a bumpy detour through an unfamiliar landscape
  • Traveling Light - slowing down and lightening up
  • Peripheral Vision - balancing life's most pressing demands with an eye for those along our path who might need a word, a touch, a helping hand, or even just a genuine, from-the-heart smile
Published by Worthy Publishing, The Road We Must Travel is a timely and much needed gospel-centered guide.  My copy of the book has found a permanent place along with my copy of God's word, devotional resources and journal.  And I have a feeling that as time goes on it will look quite weathered and tattered because it will be worth re-visiting over and over again through the coming years.

The conversational tone of each contributor truly gives this book the feel of an encouraging gospel infused talk with a friend along the way of life's journey.  This will be one I visit often and I think you would be blessed to get yourself a copy!

*I received a complimentary copy of the book from Leeanna Case for the purpose of this review in conjunction with the First Look Blog Tour.

Blessings fellow traveler,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tide and Tempest

Elizabeth Ludwig is the award-winning author of No Safe harbor and Dark Road Home, books 1 and 2 in the "Edge Of Freedom" series.  Her work has also been featured on Novel Journey, the Christian Authors Network, and The Christian Pulse.  Elizabeth's debut novel, Where The Truth Lies (coauthored with Janelle Mowery), earned her the IWA Writer of the Year Award.  Her first historical novel, Love finds You in Calico, California, was given four stars from Romantic Times.  And her popular literary blog, The Borrowed Book, enjoys a wide readership.

Elizabeth is an accomplished speaker and teacher, often attending conferences and seminars where she lectures on editing for fiction writers crafting effective novel proposals, and conducting successful editor/agent interviews.  Along with her husband and two grown children, she makes her home in the husband and two grown children, she makes her home in the great state of Texas.  To learn more, visit


Edge of Freedom ~ Book #3

Dreaming of a better life, Tillie McGrath leaves Ireland behind and, with her beloved fiance by her side, sets sail for America. But when illness robs her of the man she holds dear, she's left alone with only a handful of tattered memories. While forging on proves difficult, Tillie soon finds some new friends at her New York boardinghouse, and begins pursuing a new dream--to open a home for orphaned children.

Despite two years passing, Captain Keondric Morgan has never forgotten the lass who left his ship so heartbroken. When a crewman's deathbed confession reveals her fiance's demise was the result of murder, the captain knows he must try to contact her. But his attention draws the notice of others as well--dangerous men who believe Tillie has in her possession something that could expose their crimes. And to their way of thinking, the best way to prevent such an outcome is to seize the evidence and then hand Tillie the same fate as her naive fiance.

My Thoughts:
Tide and Tempest was a delightful read that drew me in from the very first pages.  I regret that I missed the first two books in this series.  While the book can be read as a stand-alone novel, there were some gaps in the story for me.  I do suggest reading the first two novels and then reading this one.
Ludwig kept the story moving at a fairly fast pace with twists and turns in the plot that you don't really see coming.  The tender love story tempers the action a bit with intertwined suspense...will Tillie choose Captain Keondric Morgan or his brother Cass?  
Ludwig is a new author for me as an avid reader.  I'll be looking for future books from her!

*I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher Bethany House for the purpose of this review.

Happy Reading,

Poison Town

Creston grew up in Bath, Ohio.  He studied magazine journalism at Bowling Green State University and soon began his writing career.  He works from his home office in Atlanta as a copywriter, editor and author of the kind of books he likes to read - tension filled thrillers.

His previous novels are Fear Has a Name, Nobody, Dark Star, and Full Tilt.

You would be blessed to connect with him via his website at, Facebook, and Twitter.

There's more than one kind of poison in this town.

People are sick and dying.
Rumors are swirling.
Some claim chemicals leaking from a manufacturing plant are causing the cancer that's crippling people on the poor side of Trenton City, Ohio. Yet nothing at the plant appears amiss.  The problem remains a mystery until reporter Jack Crittendon's longtime mechanic falls ill.

As Jack investigates, he becomes engulfed in a smokescreen of lies, setups, greed, and scandal.  The deeper he digs, the more toxic the corruption he uncovers.  As he faces off with the big-time players behind the scenes and tries to beat the clock before more people die, he realizes the chillingly unthinkable - he knows way too much.

My Thoughts:
I was so excited to get back to Jack Crittendon and his story!  I was introduced to Jack in the first book in The Crittendon Files - Fear Has A Name.  Creston Mapes (author) gave generously of his time a while back and participated in an author/reader chat over at The Book Club Network.  It was during that chat that I got to know him as an author a bit better and was given the opportunity to get a copy of Poison Town to read and review.
Creston is a master at relaying tension filled stories.  His characters come across as very genuine and believable.  And I absolutely love Jack Crittendon!  He is a man that feels deeply and is passionate about all that he does and his family.  Creston does an outstanding job of allowing his readers into Jack's head and a bit of his heart.
Poison Town is a wild ride you do not want to miss!  Don't start it right before bed, because you will miss a night of sleep!  Creston grabs you from page one and doesn't let go until the last.  I appreciated the way he continues Jack's story started in Fear Has A Name without re-telling so much of the first book.  While Poison Town can be read as a stand-alone novel, I encourage you to read the first book as well.  You will love Jack and his family and won't want to miss a single part of their story, which continues in the third book due out June 2014 - Sky Zone.

*Thank you Fred St. Laurent and TBCN for hosting the chat with Creston.  Thank you also to David C. Cook for sending the complimentary copy of the book for the purpose of this review.

Christian Book Store

Happy Reading,

Thursday, March 13, 2014

How Sweet The Sound

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
How Sweet the Sound
David C. Cook (March 1, 2014)
Amy K. Sorrells


An Indianapolis native and graduate of DePauw University, Amy lives with her husband, three boys and a gaggle of golden retrievers in central Indiana. After writing and editing for her college newspaper, she combined a nursing degree with journalism and creative writing, which led to publishing and editing a wide array of medical and nursing writing and multimedia projects over the past 21 years, a position as director of communications of her church’s children’s ministry, as well as a weekly column for a local newspaper which ran from 2009-2012. She has been a two-time semi-finalist for the ACFW Genesis awards, and was the winner of the 2011 Women of Faith writing contest.

When she’s not reading or writing, Amy loves spending time with her three sons; spicy lunches and art gallery walks with her husband; digging in her garden sans gloves; walking her dogs; up-cycling old furniture and junk; photography; and friends.

Amy can be reached through the Contact link on her Website.


From a distance, the Harlans appear to be the perfect Southern family. Wealth and local fame mask the drama and dysfunction swirling through their family line. But as the summer heats up, a flood tide of long hidden secrets surface.

Devastation from a rape followed by the murder of two family members brings three generations of the Harlans together on their pecan plantation in Bay Spring, Alabama. Chief among them is Anniston, who by the time she turned thirteen thought she’d seen it all. But as her heart awakens to the possibility of love, she begins to deal with her loneliness and grief.

This tender coming-of-age tale, inspired by the story of Tamar in 2 Samuel 13, shows how true healing and hope comes only from God. Though our earthly family can wound and disappoint, our heavenly Father brings freedom to those long held captive through His mercy and grace.

If you would like to read the first chapter of How Sweet the Sound, go HERE.

My Thoughts:
How Sweet The Sound is a poetic, lyrical and sensory masterpiece.  Amy Sorrells has written a modern day parable drawn from the biblical story of Tamar in 2 Samuel 13.  Most poignant to me were the conversations between Comfort (Tamar's counterpart) and God...what lessons about God bringing beauty from ashes and His ability to transform the most tragic of situations with His scandalous love and amazing grace.
Ernestine was one of my favorite characters.  I can just picture her perfectly in my mind and her spiritual affirmations were a balm to my soul as I read:
"How do you do it, Ernestine?  How do you go on?  "You don't go on as much as you change direction.  And which direction you take, that part's up to you.  One way leads to forgiveness and peace.  The other leads down a road of bitterness.  Can't turn back from bitterness.  Not very often, anyway."  "You chose the right way, didn't you?" "Oui, child.  I think I have.  But sometimes I wake up in the morning, and I have to make the right choice again."
There were numerous places throughout the story that Sorrells caused me to stop and really meditate on the words she wrote...places like this:
"Before you laugh at those who limp, check the way you walk."
 And this...
"But Jacob's God - who is the One God and our God - wanted Jacob to know 'Bondye pa kite pep li a.'  He never leaves His people.  And He goes right along with them into uncharted territory."
There are also some yummy recipes included in the book that were referenced in the story.

Sorrells captures Southern family life perfectly and writes a beautiful and unforgettable story of God's amazing yes it is a sweet sound!

This one goes on my keeper shelf!  I'm just hoping for a sequel, because I want to know more of Jed and Anni's story!

Happy Reading,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dive Deeper: Finding Deep Faith Beyond Shallow Religion


Jennifer Jernigan is a wife and mom of 3 whose past would spill over into her present if it weren't for the healing power of God's word.

As an avid reader and teacher of God's word, Jennifer says her new book, Dive Deeper:  Finding Deep Faith Beyond Shallow Religion is about offering people a relationship not a religion and equipping them to study Scriptures for themselves.

Jernigan says she's a church girl, a preacher's kid and grew up in the church, knowing all the things about the church - the lingo, the rules, and the traditions.  "But there was a hug disconnect between me and God.  My head was full of Jesus stories, but the deep places of my heart were empty, craving more."

So as Jernigan started reading, she started writing.  "I made a choice to dive deeper into God's Word because I needed Jesus - not religion, or tradition, or denominational mandates.  I just needed Jesus and His Word.  Diving deeper into Scriptures has been on of the hardest things I've ever done.  I'm no academic scholar and in school was challenged.  I need something simple and that's where d.i.v.e. comes in."

In her book, Jennifer uses the acronym d.i.v.e., which stands for:
Define, Investigate, Visualize, Embrace.  Using an in-depth study method, the book starts with the basics of getting to know your Bible, its contents and study helps and moves forward into how to engage the Scriptures and understand what you are reading.

Dive Deeper is an in-depth study of the book of Ephesians.  In the introduction and first section of the book, Jernigan clearly and succinctly lays out the reason, benefits and carefully explains the "how" of in-depth Bible study.  Don't let the words "in-depth" scare you away!  Jernigan shows how easy and satisfying a careful and close look at God's word really is!

The book then falls into 6 sections/17 lessons that take you through the book of Ephesians chapter by chapter.  I found the Appendixes to be extremely helpful.  Included are:  Bible study tools, simple guide to finding the right Bible, getting to know your Bible, investigative questions that lead to important spiritual discoveries, and implant, embrace, enact - a guide to scripture memorization.

Jernigan explains that the key to really understanding and applying the Scriptures is what she calls "getting below the surface into the depths of the passage.  Diving into the book of Ephesians has been pivotal for me in my move from shallow religion to deep faith and relationship with Jesus.  Ephesians taught me that in Christ is my place of healing, living, and worth. It showed me who I am before Jesus, a reality that helped me understand the magnitude of God's love and grace."

The greatest treasure here is that Jernigan takes the book of Ephesians and shows you how to study the Bible by giving you the tools and teaching you the methods so that you can then go to the other 65 books of the Bible and dive deep for the treasures of God in those portions of scripture.

I am grateful for Jenifer's gift to us through Dive Deeper!  So many times women's Bible studies are nothing more than sentimental stories with a few scriptures thrown in for good measure.  Jenifer gives you the "meat" of God's divine revelation of Himself through His word and she teaches us how to "chew" and apply His word to our lives.

I will be suggesting the use of the inscribed resources to the Bible study groups in which I have contact.

The other three inscribed resources available March 2014 along with Dive Deeper:

  • Living So That:  Making Faith-filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life by Wendy Blight
  • Living Ordinary:  Encounter God through Extraordinary Prayer by Donna Gaines
  • Amazed and Confused:  When God's Actions Collide with our Expectations by Heather Zempel

Thank you Trae Gardner and The Blythe Daniel Agency for having a complimentary copy of the book sent to me for the purpose of this review!


New NIV Hope in the Mourning Bible

Grief is an inevitability of life.  Yet, in times of grief and despair, God reveals Himself and His promises for a better tomorrow.  Nothing can minister as deeply to those who are mourning as the counsel and comfort of God's word.  Now, the NIV Hope in the Mourning Bible by Zondervan adds another layer of hope to anyone wrestling through the darkest days of life.
The new devotional Bible pairs the wisdom of God's word with insights, testimonies and encouragement from writers who are themselves intimately acquainted with the journey of grief.  The sensitive collection of devotions emphasizes the love of the Father for His children and provides heavy duty consolation to those who are hurting, no matter the reason.

Features include:

  • Complete text of the NIV, the world's most popular modern-English Bible
  • Daily devotions written for and by those who have experienced the loss of a loved one or who are helping a loved one through extended terminal illness, with many devotions developed by writers for GriefShare
  • "Heart Whispers" - passionate prayers for use by those who grieve
  • "Mourning Moments" - stirring reflection questions to promote healing
  • "Drink Deeply" - soothing song lyrics for meditation and journaling
  • Hardcover design
  • Biography of each devotional writer
  • Prayer appendix featuring 52 prayers based on Psalms
  • Resource page fo those seeking additional help
While taking a look through the NIV Hope in the Mourning Bible, I found the additional resources to the biblical text to be gentle yet bold reminders to press into Christ during our most difficult moments of life.  The devotional content is written by those who are or who have walked the dark road of grief.  I appreciated the transparency and genuine way the writers shared their experiences to help guide those in the midst of dark moments to keep pressing on until the light and love of Christ is fresh again.

This new resource published by Zondervan is a gift to those who are hurting and I can highly recommend it!
"I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."  Jeremiah 31:13b
Thank you B&B Media Group for sending a complimentary copy for the purpose of this review.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

I Sat In The Corner: Guest Post by Jenifer Jernigan

*On Monday, 3/10/14, I will be posting a review of Jenifer Jernigan's book Dive Deeper: Finding Deep Faith Beyond Shallow Religion, which is part of inScribed: A Collection of Studies by Women.

But today, I'm excited to have Jenifer as a guest here. I'll turn things over to will be blessed by her message.

What does worship look like? What is its posture? Is it even visible to the naked eye?

The temperature read a frigid 17 degrees. Shards of ice blanketed the windshield. The air blew cold around my frame. But my heart? It was ablaze. Burning with anticipation for what the impending hours would bring—hours of worship, glorious, beautiful worship. Its beauty would abound all the more when partnered with the family of God joined as one because of One.
As we reached our destination, I saw that others had also come, many, in fact. They’d come to worship. Or maybe they’d come in search of that something that their heart desperately longed for or possibly wasn’t yet aware of. But either way, whatever the reason . . . they’d come. And I prayed their hearts would never be the same. I prayed my heart would never be the same. Melodies. Choruses. Harmonies. The room, our warehouse, the shell that hugs the body of Christ, was filled with voices lifting high the name of Jesus. Glorious, beautiful worship.
Hundreds upon hundreds gathered as God’s servant stood to proclaim the magnificent Word of God. Except we didn’t sit. We couldn’t sit, because there were no chairs. No place to cradle our frames.
We were led to a corner in the back of the warehouse. And we sat. On the floor. And we listened to the living Word of God as it was spoken.

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
—Luke 9:23–24 (esv)
Becoming like Jesus is not a deed, it’s a death. It’s complete self-denial.
—Jimmy Carroll

Following Jesus is surrender. And the surrendering is never complete this side of glory, but still we’re called to it—daily. It is the mission. It is worship.
Positionally, as a child of God, I am always in Christ. But, practically I must daily remain in His presence.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
—John 15:4–5 (esv)
What I want to accomplish in my flesh can only be accomplished in my death.
—Jimmy Carroll

To be like Jesus I must die to self. My rebirth, my revival from the dead, must be a life lived in Jesus, for Jesus. I must surrender.
Now standing in the corner to which we’d been led, I was oblivious to the hundreds that surrounded me. It was our corner now. It was our warehouse now. God’s and mine. No one else’s. And I surrendered.
I surrendered my will, my dreams, and my plans. I surrendered it all. I will daily follow after His will. I will daily live out His dreams for me. And I will daily accomplish His plan for my life.
I will surrender. Daily. It is my heart worship.

What does worship look like? What is its posture? Is it even visible to the naked eye? Worship is the attitude and surrender of our hearts and lives. Hearts and lives that are visibly seen by the Lord lifted to and prostrated before Him at the same time in respect, reverent fear, and complete surrender to who He is. Worship isn’t merely the sound of beautifully tuned instruments or voices exactly on pitch standing in a room together praising God. True worship can be described as developing tunnel-vision, for that time of worship, while I sat in my corner all that mattered was me and my God, and what can be more valuable than that.

Jenifer Jernigan - As founder of Diving Deeper Ministries, Jenifer’s passion is to equip women to d.i.v.e. (define.investigate.visualize.embrace.) deeper into God’s Word. She is co-owner and regular writer for Internet Café Devotions, and is part of a team of writers creating curriculum for Journey Church in Raleigh, NC. Jenifer loves hanging out with her man, homeschooling their three kiddos and guzzling delicious cups of her favorite coffee. Jenifer is the author of InScribed’s Dive Deeper : Finding Deep Faith Beyond Shallow Religion which is available now.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Real Women Leading with Proverbs 31 Values

Lisa Troyer Sometimes referred to by friends as the "singing executive," wife, mom, radio personality, recording artist, speaker, and author. Her Circle of Friends women's outreach, formed over a decade ago, is growing in all directions. Lisa uses her gift of encouragement, her influence, and her resources to open doors for women to discover their significance and belonging. She and her family currently live in Ohio. 

Learn more about Lisa at:

Dawn Yoder is passionate about developing people to discover their strengths and reach their leadership potential. As CEO of a 500-plus employee company, she seeks to bring values and principle-based thinking into all aspects of society through a round table environment. Dawn is a member of the John Maxwell coaching team, an international trainer, a speaker with the Circle of Friends ministry, a contributing writer, a songwriter, and a frequent worship leader. She and her husband, Jeff, have been married for more than 20 years and have four children.

Learn more about Dawn at:

About the book: Today's marketplace is not always a "values-friendly" environment. Business leaders Lisa Troyer andDawn Yoder show you that you can live and thrive in a "valueless" workplace when you live by biblical values and principles.
Real Women: Leading with Proverbs 31 Values is a must-have leadership resource for today's Christian woman. Written by women in the marketplace, Real Women cultivates biblical truth, credible relationship development, and practical application into everyday life through ten foundational principles. Once women embrace these ten principles, they will soon discover the multiple attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman in today's marketplace and learn practical ways to implement the wisdom from that timeless Scripture passage.
Women will be encouraged to develop their God-given gifts and talents in the marketplace as they live out the principles that invite others to embrace the equality-inspiring values they live by. Knowing that we are not the end users of the gospel message, the Proverbs 31 leader will find the initiative to inspire the upcoming generation to view womanhood as a gift and continue the learning process that will impact generations to come.

My Thoughts:
When I first cam across the opportunity to review this book, I immediately thought, "Just great...another 'Proverbs 31 woman' book!"  And I almost passed on the opportunity to get a copy.  I am so glad I did not turn this one down!
Troyer and Yoder take the "Proverbs 31 woman" (who we all love to hate at times) and turns the focus on the transforming truths that God gives us in that passage of scripture.  The authors take 10 important life changing values found in Proverbs 31 and relates the truth through a woman found in the narrative of the Bible:
  • The Value of Understanding People - The Woman At The Well
  • The Value of Forgiveness - The Woman Taken In Adultery
  • The Value of Responsibility - Martha
  • The Value of Attitude - Ruth
  • The Value of Resolving Conflict - Euodia and Syntyche
  • The Value of Restraint - Abigail
  • The Value of Honesty - Sapphira
  • The Value of Planning - Lydia
  • The Value of Generosity - The Widow And Mary Of Bethany
  • The Value of Influence - Esther
The book is helpful as it gives very practical steps and suggestions for application.  The way the book is concisely organized lends itself to being the perfect resource for use with a group as a book/Bible study.
Troyer and Yoder are Independent Certified Coaches of The John Maxwell Team.  Maxwell sums up the importance behind such a resource with these words from the introduction:
"Values affect every area of our life.  The affect every decision we make, how we treat other people, and how other people respond to us.  No person is an island.  Everything we do affects the people around us.  That is why it is important to have a strong internal compass to guide us as we are navigating the many decisions we make every day.  If we embrace a value and internalize it, it becomes a part of our navigation system guiding us to wise choices.  Wise choices lead us to personal success and favor with others."
Troyer and Yoder do exactly that in Real Women Leading...they help the reader to internalize and embrace the values of Proverbs 31.  I can comfortably and highly recommend this book!

To see what others are saying, you can visit HERE.

Win an iPad!
Real Women Leading with Proverbs 31 Values Lisa Troyer Dawn Yoder

*Thank you Litfuse Publicity for sending a complimentary copy of the book for the purpose of this review.

Blessings and Happy Reading,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


the Author: Terri Blackstock has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author ofInterventionVicious Cycle, andDownfall, as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, Restoration, and Moonlighters.

Learn more about Terri at:

About the book: Juliet Cole's life has been dismantled by the murder of her husband. She doesn't know who---or what---to trust when everything she has believed to be true about her marriage has been a lie.
A husband's lies can have deadly consequences.
When Juliet Cole's husband of fifteen years is murdered before her eyes, she thinks it was a random shooting. Devastated and traumatized, she answers hours of questioning, then returns home to break the tragic news to her boys. But a threatening voicemail takes this from a random shooting to a planned, deliberate attack.
Juliet realizes that she and her children are in danger too, unless she meets the killers' demands. But as she and her sisters untangle the clues, her husband's dark secrets come to light. The more she learns, the more of her life is dismantled. Was her husband an innocent victim or a hardened criminal?
Pre-order a copy for just $4.99 on Kindle, Nook, iTunes, or the eBook version on CBD until March 10th.

My Thoughts:
Blackstock has written a suspenseful and dramatic novel that grabs you from the very beginning.  Full of twists and turns, Distortion is a story that clearly pictures how the consequences and effects of actions either right or wrong effect not only ourselves, but everyone around us as well.
While I appreciated the suspense in the book, there were parts that just seemed and little far-fetched and a bit every spouse of the siblings involved being murdered.  One thing I did appreciate about the book was Blackstock's character development and how she accomplished this by adding significant details at significant points in the story.

*Thank you Litfuse Publicity for having the book sent for the purpose of this review.

To see what others are saying you can visit HERE.

Enter 2/24 - 3/11!
Terri Blackstock Distortoin

Happy Reading,