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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


What would you do if...

That's the question that Ray Comfort asks in his documentary 180.

The movie is 33 minutes long.  Make sure you watch when you have 33 minutes to devote your full attentionTHERE IS A PUBLIC ADVISORY WARNING DUE TO GRAPHIC CONTENT.  The film contains images from the Holocaust and a couple quick flashes of abortion images.  There is also an interview with a young man, who uses some very uncomfortable language; however, the expletives are "bleeped" out.

With that warning, you may ask why I would want you to watch.  I want you to watch, because I am pro-life in every sense of the word, not just in regards to the abortion issue.  Mr. Comfort makes a very compelling case for valuing life.  The following 33 minutes will make you think and they will grip you emotionally and they will challenge you to stand up and lend your voice to the protection of the most vulnerable members of our society.  Of all the "arguments" for or against abortion I have seen or read, this one is the most powerful!

Also included in the documentary, Comfort demonstrates his very straight forward method of witnessing by simply confronting people with how they measure up to the 10 Commandments - God's Law.
Watch and maybe you will do a 180!
