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Friday, September 30, 2011

Dry As Rain

"He'd give anything to forget the one thing she can't remember."

That's the situation Eric finds himself in with his wife Kyra in Gina Holmes book Dry As Rain.  From the back of the book:
"When Eric and Kyra Yoshida first met, they thought their love would last forever.  But like many marriages, theirs has gradually crumbled, one thoughtless comment and misunderstanding at a time, until the ultimate betrayal pushes them beyond reconciliation.  Though Eric longs to reunite with Kyra, the only woman he has truly loved, he has no idea how to repair the damage that's been done.  Then a car accident erases part of Kyra's memory - including her separation from Eric - and a glimmer of hope rises from the wreckage.  Is this a precious opportunity for the fresh start Eric has longed for?  Does he even deserve the chance to find forgiveness and win back Kyra's heart...or will the truth blow up in his face, shattering their last hope for happiness?"
I found Dry As Rain to be an engaging story of betrayal of the worst kind and of the beautiful redemption only God can bring about in the hearts and lives of those willing to trust Him for change.  While the premise of the book is a worthy one, I did find Ms Holmes' writing to be a bit stilted.  The story just didn't flow well.  However, I would still recommend the book if you like to read fiction that deals with relationships and the conflicts that often come about in them.

You can read the first chapter by going HERE.  Ms Holmes website can be found at

Thank you Tyndale House for sending me a copy of the book for the purpose of review!

Happy Reading,