Beth Wiley from Banner of Truth publishers was very generous and sent me two titles for the purpose of review. She sent Voices From The Past: Puritan Devotional Readings edited by Richard Rushing and Commentary On The Psalms by John Calvin, abridged by David C. Searle.
Voices From the Past:
My interest in the writings of the Puritans was sparked well over a year ago while reading prayers from The Valley of Vision. I had also read some excerpts of Voices From the Past on other blogs and knew I wanted to get a copy. Thank you Beth for sending me a copy of this amazing devotional! I have used this devotional in my quiet time every other day or so for about two months. Mr. Rushing has done an outstanding job of compiling works from Puritan writers such as Thomas Watson, Jonathan Edwards, John Bunyan, John Flavel, John Owen and many more.
Voices From the Past is a dated devotional. A scripture passage is given followed by a short collection of insights from the particular Puritan writer being featured that day. What I really liked about this devotional is that Mr. Rushing compiled the devotionals by theme. For example for several days in a row you are able to gain an understanding from several different places in scripture and different Puritan perspectives (sometimes the same writer) say on the subject of delighting yourself in the Lord.
So many people, so many Christians seem to be always looking for the next, newest way to enrich their lives. If "the thing" doesn't have all the bells and whistles then it surely can't be effective! The men that Mr. Rushing features in this devotional lived long ago. They didn't have all the bells and whistles, but what they did have was the Bible and a passion to preach and teach the truth of God's word unashamedly. Quite frankly, I think there is much we can learn from these "voices from the past". I want the kind of passion for reading and living out the word of God they seem to have had.
I will be using this devotional in my quiet time during 2011. I would recommend it to you also. It can be purchased at Amazon by following the provided link below.
Commentary On The Psalms:
Beth from Banner of Truth also sent me John Calvin's Commentary On The Psalms abridged by David C. Searle for the purpose of review. I have wanted to do my own study of the Psalms for some time now. I was very excited to get the chance to review this commentary, especially this abridged version since the original Calvin commentary on the Psalms was five large volumes!
This commentary is 659 pages in length. Each Psalm is covered in 4 to 8 pages with the exception of Psalm 119. However, Psalm 119 is divided into sections allowing the reader to study one section at a time easily. Each verse of each Psalm is covered. Sometimes there may be 2 to 3 verses that are coupled together. Mr. Searle uses the ESV when providing the scripture feeling it was the most suitable when compared to Calvin's translation of the Hebrew text.
I plan to use Commentary On The Psalms this upcoming year as I read through the Psalms during my devotional times. Mr. Searle mentions in the introduction that Calvin was accustomed to calling the Psalms "an anatomy of all the parts of the soul" and asserted that his (Calvin) commentary "will train believers in earnest and genuine prayer, two requirements for which are a sense of our need and faith in the promises of God". What better way to begin the new year than with a sense of your need and faith in the promises of God?
Commentary On The Psalms can be purchased at Amazon by following the link provided below.
Making room for Him,
Boxing on Sundays
8 years ago